The blog of a 53 year-old gay man living in Melbourne, Australia; a writer, broadcaster, critic, arts advocate and Doctor Who fan.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I have a cold. Runny nose, stuffed head, tight sinii, feverish. Don't expect me to post for a couple of days: I'm going be curled up under a doona feeling miserable.
Get well, get well soon...
*gives box of aloe vera tissues and pseudoephedrine*
x (from a distance. I had it last week and don't want it back)
Colds and flu suck.
Hope it goes soon.
am i to understand that this dreaded affliction will prevent you from joining us this evening?
*bawls uncontrollably*
*recovers sufficiently to offer sympathy*
kick this thing in the arse, good sir! immediately!
did i say sympathy? i meant "a call to arms"...
You're all very kind. I'd offer you hugs, but I wouldn't want to infect any of you. Blah.
And sadly mskp, no trivia for me tonight. Hug crush for me, and give Jess & crew a cheery wave and a cheeky grin on my behalf!
Hmm, word verification is 'ozisl'. Ozzies L? L what? Replies on the back of an envelope, please.
Heh. Sinii.
oh you poor dear. Get better (but please don't come near!).
Get well wishes x
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